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Bougainvillea twining across red-tiled rooftops, birdsong 最小值gling with the ocean breeze, islands and whale spouts on the horizon—圣芭芭拉分校’s charms tempt at every turn. Perfect getaways don’t get much more perfect.

听那些经常溜到圣巴巴拉的电影明星的话吧,或者直接搬到这里来. 奥普拉, 布莱德, 艾伦, 还有其他很多一线明星在这里都有房产, many tucked away in the coastal enclave of . 为什么不? 这里有着传说中的旧世界美景,与这座城市的绰号“美国里维埃拉”很相称.” 

海滩 and Parks in 圣芭芭拉分校

这座迷人的小城市位于洛杉矶以北90英里处,拥有海滩和101号高速公路. 不过,如果你不开车旅行,也不用担心:这座城市以其交通便利而自豪 car-free navigability, and also offers easy access by 火车. Don’t miss sandy stretches within easy reach—Gaviota State Park沿着海岸开车大约半小时,那里有露营地,还有 Rincon Beach Park位于城市以南约20英里处的林肯角(Rincon Point)拥有世界一流的冲浪运动. In between, from west to east, are such spots as Refugio State BeachCampus Point Beach, a favorite of college students thanks to being part of the famously gorgeous campus of UC 圣芭芭拉分校; 和 dog-friendly Hendry’s Beach ( Boathouse Restaurant has great seaside dining).

In 圣芭芭拉分校 itself is 东方海滩, 哪个地方是度过慵懒午后的最佳去处, and just east of the city is 曼’s Butterfly Beach注意公园, another three miles down the road, has picnic areas and hiking trails, as well as cliff-top views of Channel Islands National Park. If you’re looking for beach activity rentals (kayaks, 自行车, stand-up paddleboards), surfing lessons, or a cycling tour in 圣芭芭拉分校/Goleta/曼, local outfitters Cal Coastal Adventures 是首选.

For an immersive, Zen experience, The Sacred Space in 夏天 is a must-visit. 这座前拓荒者的小屋已被改造成一个充满郁郁葱葱花园的宁静圣地, 雕像, 花, 晶体, 和池塘. A variety of programs and workshops are offered, as well as meditation, 瑜伽, and 最小值dfulness practices.

Whale Watching in 圣芭芭拉分校

The 圣芭芭拉分校 Channel位于加利福尼亚大陆和北部海峡群岛之间的水域被命名为圣巴巴拉海峡 Whale Heritage Site in 2023. It’s only the second location in the U.S. 达纳角在2021年成为第一个被认可的地方. From late 11月 through 4月, 成千上万的太平洋灰鲸在向南迁徙到墨西哥时经过这条海峡, 春天,在它们返回阿拉斯加白令海峡的途中又会再次出现, where they spend their summers. During these periods of migration, whale-watching 远足 leave from 圣芭芭拉分校 daily.

Things to Do in Downtown 圣芭芭拉分校

穿过101号公路,这座城市由西班牙风格的建筑组成 Old Mission 圣芭芭拉分校 和 Lobero Theatre它在《bbin游戏官网》(Architectural Digest)的建筑设计榜单上获得了一席之地 “The 11 Most Beautiful Theaters in the World”). 除此之外,连绵起伏的丘陵向东延伸至圣伊内斯山脉和 葡萄酒的国家而在西部,你会发现鲜为人知的,安静的吸引力 Goleta.

But 圣芭芭拉分校 has a contemporary energy, too—the 恐慌区 neighborhood boasts hip restaurants and bars, 和  (探索与创新博物馆)对博物馆的重新想象让人眼花缭乱——孩子们尤其喜欢这种互动性. On the first Sunday of every month, El Presidio de 圣芭芭拉分校 接待50多名有色人种女性经营的企业,因为她们在社区快闪店开店销售她们的商品 Mujeres Makers Market. 主干道州街和绿树成荫的街道都排列着 designer boutiquesbuzz-worthy restaurantswine tasting rooms; It’s all so centrally located that there’s really no need to get around in your car—just hop on one of the electric bike rentals offered by the 圣芭芭拉分校 BCycle 自行车hare program, and zip to your next destination. 如果你渴望更长的车程,那就走10英里 Obern小道 这就导致 Goleta Beach County Park 然后与加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的小径系统相交.

另一种非常圣巴巴拉式的消磨下午时光的方式是 美洲狮农场这是一个隐藏在城市中的再生有机农场. 作为一个农场, 它种植的稀有农产品卖给顶级餐厅, 但另一个目的是促进客人的个人健康. 在导游的带领下游览或探索14个不同的作物种植室,包括稀有的柑橘和哈斯鳄梨树林, plus interactive oak trails, olive and cider apple orchards, 一个黑色的葡萄园和药用和烹饪香草园.

Restaurants in 圣芭芭拉分校

要吃海鲜,可以去圣巴巴拉最受欢迎的地标, 斯登码头,是正常的。. 在室内或室外,在新鲜的空气和阳光下,在木制码头上吃. 沿着小镇的主要行人友好通道, 道富银行,包括 The Drunken Crab for Cajun and Creole seafood, Opal Restaurant & 酒吧 for California fare with a global twist, and Jane Restaurant, a cozy bistro known particularly for their desserts. One could explore restaurants for days along State, but venturing a little off the beaten path can be rewarding too; check out these recommendations. 如果你正在寻找一个完美的中央海岸野餐场所,那么这个城市的 farmers' markets 和 圣芭芭拉分校 Public Market offer endless ingredients and locally-produced treats. 除此之外,还有一个充满帆船、皮划艇和站立式桨板的海滨. 

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