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沙滩, 世界级的冲浪板, an impressive aquarium are just a few of this city’s waterfront delights
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只有半小时的路程 洛杉矶长滩 is an oceanfront gem you’ll want to add to your California itinerary. The city offers beautiful beaches 和 marinas along with a busy 餐厅 和 shopping scene that perfectly blends urban sophistication with beach-town fun.


参观 太平洋水族馆, Southern California’s largest aquarium 和 home to playful sea otters, 麦哲伦企鹅, 还有350,000-gallon tropical reef habitat, which holds thous和s of colorful fish, 珊瑚, 海龟, 和鲨鱼. Fans of fine art should pay a visit to the 拉丁美洲艺术博物馆 (MOLAA); don’t miss the sculpture garden 和 be sure to check their website beforeh和 to see what events are happening (admission is free on Sundays).

[[ crowdriff-gallery-id: 1ec348f1-5e74-4019-8316-7b84bccd0b65 ]]

With 11 miles of s和y shoreline, waterfront adventure is central to the city’s charm. Visitors can enjoy the waves from dry l和 at one of the family-friendly beaches like Alamitos Beach 和 海洋公园, 或者租立式桨板, 皮艇, 达菲电动船, other watercraft in Rainbow Marina. Try your h和 at kitesurfing on 长滩’s 贝尔蒙特海岸, one of the best places in the state for beginners to learn the sport. Hop aboard a vessel 和 venture out to sea on a whale-watching tour from 港湾微风游轮一艘帆船穿过 朝霞宪章, a point-to-point ride on the high-speed 水出租车, or a romantic excursion on a 威尼斯的贡多拉.

长滩 Dragon Boat Festival

The city celebrates its 中国人 heritage each July by hosting the 长滩 Dragon Boat Festival, the state’s biggest dragon boat competition. A tradition originating in southern 中国, dragon boat racing is a sight to behold: Teams of 20 paddle brightly colored, dragon-headed longboats that race toward a finish line marked by buoys in the middle of 海洋体育场. The festivities also include traditional 中国人 art demonstrations, 中国杂技演员, 传统舞蹈, 嘻哈, 音乐, 还有武术表演, 最多可以画20张,000 people over the entire weekend.


如果你有心情 购物疗法, you can find stores ranging from Restoration Hardware to H&米在 派克Outlets,或前往 第四街的复古街 for purveyors of all things vintage, from furniture to clothes to knick-knacks. 海岸线村 on the waterfront has several specialty shops, like 村帽店, 大迷糊狗屋, 伊斯坦布尔回家, selling Turkish ceramics, towels, lamps. Other popular shopping areas include 2nd Street in 贝尔蒙特海岸, nearby malls include the open-air Marina Pacifica Shopping Center2nd & PCH, where you’ll find boutiques like 蓝色的窗户磅赃物, plus movie theaters (at Marina Pacifica) 和 common outdoor areas where you can often hear live 音乐 (at 2nd & PCH).  

再往北, Bixby小山 neighborhood is home to many small businesses along Atlantic Avenue 和 nearby, including The Better Half精品店, where the selection of h和bags, cards, home accessories is impressive.

For a self-guided city tour that will take you on a shopping, 餐厅, cocktail-sipping odyssey with a vintage-vibe twist, 看看这个 为期一天的行程.






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