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Add meaning and purpose to your vacation by striving for a net-positive getaway

Want to take sustainable travel to a higher level? 在你的下一个假期,去吧 再生 and leave your destination better than you found it. “Regenerative tourism is travel that not only does no harm, but also protects and enhances,” 说 Dr. 格雷戈里·米勒(Gregory Miller)是 负责任旅行中心位于华盛顿特区的非营利组织.C. Regenerative travelers seek out “tour operators and accommodations that focus on stewardship of natural and cultural resources,米勒说。. 他们还支持再生农场, 野生动物护理中心, 保护组织, land trusts—groups that focus on restoration.

“California has been in the vanguard of sustainability. It’s not just ‘let’s put a fence around it and maintain whatever is left.’ A place can only get to true sustainability if we improve the vitality of plants and animals, 完善历史文化风貌.” Regenerative tourism is a win for visitors, too. You’ll engage more deeply with your destination when you participate in these positive impact travel experiences:


Conservation-minded tours can be an important first step toward regeneration. Marine scientist Ida Kaller-Vincent, who leads kayaking, birding, whale-watching tours with 海洋连接器 in 圣地亚哥, 说 eco-tours help visitors to understand and appreciate threatened landscapes—and that often leads to action.

"You don't protect what you don't love, you don't love what you don't know," she 说. "When you get out there and connect with nature on an eco-tour, 你看待事物的方式发生了转变, 即使这不是一个直接的转变."

Ocean Connector's eco-tours have a major side benefit: 之旅 fees pay for marine education programs for youth in underserved communities. "Many of these kids have lived all their lives right next to the ocean and have never been on a boat,凯勒-文森特说.

博物学家带领生态旅游遍布全州. In 李蔓生,加入… 莫诺湖委员会 walking tour to learn about the ancient lake’s vital ecosystem. In 奇诺,探索 大江口 由独木舟. In 卡尔斯巴德,请访问 Agua Hedionda泻湖 了解敏感的海岸湿地. At Terranea度假村, kayak the Palos Verdes Peninsula coastline while you help clean up the kelp forest.

2022 California 公路之旅 Guide Regenerative Travel, Be Love Farm


加州有7万多人 农场, but some are doing a lot more than growing the food we eat. Regenerative farmers and vineyard managers restore and care for their land through practices like fertilizing with 堆肥, 有选择性的吃草, 尽量减少耕地.

Marissa LaMagna,创始人 湾区绿化之旅, 说 再生 farming is difficult work with a big payoff. “这真的是一种爱的劳动,”她说. “But these farmers are working toward the future, 创造自然生态系统, 让他们的农场可持续发展.”

自2008年以来, LaMagna’s nonprofit has led farm tours where “you learn what it means when you go to a farmers’ market or u-pick farm, why it’s important to support the local food economy. 你可以真正地与这片土地建立联系.”

You can support farmers by touring their fields or booking a farm stay. 访问 塔布拉斯溪葡萄园 in 帕索罗伯斯, which produces biodynamic wines with the aid of cover crops, 堆肥, 猫头鹰的盒子, 放牧绵羊和羊驼. 之旅 维尔市’s Be Love Farm to learn about its practices— minimized tilling, 堆肥ing, planting perennial crops. 或者探索摩尔公园 杏巷农场她是2019年纪录片的主演 最大的小农场, where more than 200 varieties of fruit and vegetables grow on land that was nearly fallow two decades ago.


的首席执行官杰西卡·布洛特 这种旅行, 说, “Most travelers want their travel dollars to have a positive effect on the destinations they visit.” That’s why her company’s booking platform partners with more than 100 charities. When you book a hotel through 这种旅行, you’ll donate $10 to organizations like 查理农场保护区 in 索诺玛, 圣路易斯·奥比斯波, 丹娜一点’s 海洋研究所.

"A lot of people don't realize how much a $10 donation can do, but it can go a surprisingly long way to serve the community and the environment,布洛特说。.

如果你是一个DIY旅行者, making a positive impact can be as simple as picking up trash or volunteering a few hours at local nonprofits. In 杭廷顿海滩,加入 冲浪的基础清理海港和海滩. In 圣荷西,分类和包装食物 第二丰收食品银行. In 太浩湖,帮助修建小径 特拉基·唐纳土地信托公司 或者加入 拯救太浩湖联盟’s bike trail cleanups; you can also discover 10 ways to reduce waste, lower emissions, shop local in nearby Truckee. No matter how you go about it, Blotter 说 that doing good on vacation results in feeling good, too. “Research shows that when you give back, you’ll have a higher level of trip satisfaction.”


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